Feb 13, 2020
New Belgium Brewing has been held up as a shining example of what could be possible through worker ownership. Bu now that it's been purchased by an international conglomerate, there are new questions about the best strategy and models for turning workers into owners. We talk to Jessica Rose, co-founder of the worker ownership advocacy organization Fifty by Fifty, and to two experts in advancing alternative ownership models, Camille Kerr and Jason Wiener.
The Next System Podcast is presented by The Next System Project at The Democracy Collaborative. The Next System Podcast is available on iTunes, Soundcloud, Google Play, Stitcher Radio, Tune-In, and Spotify. You can also subscribe independently to our RSS feed here.
This podcast is hosted by Isaiah J. Poole and produced by Luís García de la Cadena. The music, "A New Start," is by Zoë Blade.
Full transcripts of all our episodes are available at www.thenextsystem.org/podcast.